Events: November, 2017

Mikhail Romanko, Senior lecturer of OSU Animal-derived raw materials Biotechnology and Aquaculture Department and Elena Miroshnikova, Department Head. Открыть в новом окне [147 Kb]


OSU was awarded a gold medal for an innovative sausage at Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition “Golden Autumn 2017”. ›››

Oleg Andronov, Senior teacher at OSU Physical Education Department. Открыть в новом окне [110 Kb]


Oleg Andronov, Senior teacher at OSU Physical Education Department became the winner and the champion of the XXIV Open Masters Russian Cup in Swimming in Kazan. ›››

Educational action “Geographic dictation” at OSU. Открыть в новом окне [140 Kb]


Over 200 people came to Orenburg State University last Sunday to test their knowledge of Russian geography. ›››

XXIII Seminar of the Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning of Conflicts “Interethnic Relations: Methods for Measuring and Predicting of Risks”. Открыть в новом окне [131 Kb]


The Basque Country (Spain) hosted the XXIII annual Seminar for the Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning of Conflicts “Interethnic Relations: Methods for Measuring and Projecting of Risks”. Venaliy Amelin, director of the OSU Research Institute of History and Ethnography of the Southern Urals took part in the event. ›››

Anatoly Skalny, Professor, Director of OSU Institute of Bioelementology. Открыть в новом окне [107 Kb]


OSU launched a series of lectures given by leading scientists for its young educators, graduate students and undergraduates. ›››

OSU student Maria Kameneva. Открыть в новом окне [157 Kb]


OSU student Maria Kameneva became the champion of Russia. ›››

Irina Prosvirkina, Professor of the Department of Russian philology and methods of Russian language teaching. Открыть в новом окне [133 Kb]


Irina Prosvirkina, professor from OSU Faculty of Philology and Journalism was awarded the E. Motina medal (E.I. Motina was a prominent scientist in the field of teaching methods of Russian as a foreign language). ›››

Internship in Japan. Открыть в новом окне [165 Kb]


An Orenburg State University undergraduate, a student of the courses of the Japan Information Center, completed her internship in Japan. ›››

International Forum “Orenburg Region — the Heart of Eurasia”. Открыть в новом окне [122 Kb]


OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova took part in one of the key events of the International Forum “Orenburg region — the heart of Eurasia” — the final of the competition aimed at preparing management teams of municipal entities of the Orenburg region. ›››

Albina Umbetova and Svetlana Pankova. Открыть в новом окне [93 Kb]


In early November, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University (ARSU) Masters completed a science internship at OSU. ›››

Roman Romanenko and Oleg Kononenko, heroes of the Russian Federation. Открыть в новом окне [136 Kb]


On November 1, OSU hold a meeting between cosmonauts, heroes of the Russian Federation Roman Romanenko and Oleg Kononenko and the university students. ›››

Pavel Samsonov, Tigran Sargsyan, Zhanna Ermakova. Открыть в новом окне [136 Kb]


On November 2, on the eve of the opening of the International Forum “Orenburg Region — the Heart of Eurasia”, a delegation of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEС), headed by the Chairman of the Board of the EEC, Tigran Sargsyan, paid a visit to OSU. Pavel Samsonov, Vice-governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg region on social policy, accompanied guests. ›››

The delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea visits OSU. Открыть в новом окне [133 Kb]


OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova received honorary guests — Kim Se Woong, Consul General, Adviser at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia and his colleagues. ›››

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