Events: November, 2012

Classroom of numerical control system of Aerospace Institute of the OSU. Открыть в новом окне [75 Kb]


Aerospace Institute of the OSU opened the first in Orenburg region classroom of numerical control system on the 14th of November. ›››

Director of the OSU Research Park Ivan Lisitskiy. Открыть в новом окне [72 Kb]


On the 9th of November in Culture and Sport Centre "Gazovik" there was solemn meeting devoted to the anniversary of the OSU Research Park. ›››

Presentation of Russian tea ceremony. Открыть в новом окне [77 Kb]


On the eve of the National Unity Day in Orenburg State University people of different nationalities told about the traditions of hospitality and tea-drinking of their nation and treated the audience with sweets of their cuisine. ›››

The USA lecturer Steven Tinsley. Открыть в новом окне [55 Kb]


The USA lecturer Steven Tinsley held a presentation of the USA higher education system for the OSU students on the first of November. ›››

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