Events: November, 2019

The visit of the UK Consul General to OSU. Открыть в новом окне [127 Kb]


Richard Andrew Dewell, Consul General of the UK in Ekaterinburg, accompanied by Yelena Chesnokova, Senior Public Relations Adviser, have payed a visit to Orenburg State Uiversity. ›››

9th International forum “Orenburg region — the Heart of Eurasia”. Открыть в новом окне [116 Kb]


On the opening day of the 9th International forum “Orenburg region — the Heart of Eurasia” at Orenburg State University the Engineering center started its functioning after the installation of the last equipment. ›››

Study trip to Japan. Открыть в новом окне [174 Kb]


Three OSU students are back from the study trip to Japan. ›››

Gabil Mamedov. Открыть в новом окне [86 Kb]


OSU post-graduate Gabil Mamedov became a winner of 63 kg Boxing Championship of Russia in Samara and got the title of the best boxer of the competition. ›››

Maria Kameneva. Открыть в новом окне [116 Kb]


OSU Student Maria Kameneva has won seven medals in the Swimming Championship of Russia, which took place on November 5–10 in Aquatics Center of Kazan. ›››

Diana Zheltukhina. Открыть в новом окне [166 Kb]


On November 6–10 Serbia hosted the 10th Jubilee Kettlebell World Cup in Novi Sad. ›››

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