Events: January, 2020

The International round table 'Models of state and public interaction in the ethno-cultural sphere'. Открыть в новом окне [158 Kb]


On January 29, in the border city the representatives of the two partner institutions shared their practices and formulated proposals for joint activities while attending the International round table "Models of state and public interaction in the ethno-cultural sphere". The event was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. ›››

Students from Kyrgyzstan. Открыть в новом окне [177 Kb]


Two students from Osh State University have recently finished their study in OSU. ›››

Yekaterina Royba, an OSU graduate. Открыть в новом окне [98 Kb]


Yekaterina Royba, an OSU graduate, is currently designing the new methods of rapid biodosimentry in New York. This technology serves for determining the radiation dose received by a person in cases of an atomic explosion or a terrorist attack. ›››

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