Events: May, 2014

Alexey Lybichankovskiy. Открыть в новом окне [69 Kb]


The OSU representatives took part in the international workshop “Awful geography” which was held in Lisbon (Portugal) on the 14–16th of May.  ›››

Natalya Shebarshova, Sergey Letuta, Irina Goptareva. Открыть в новом окне [58 Kb]


The international academic and research workshop “Reforming policy of humanitarian and social education: comparison of experience in post-socialist states” was organized in Orenburg State University on the 28th of May.  ›››

'Babylonian mess' performance. Открыть в новом окне [65 Kb]


There was a premiere in OSU! On the 16th of May the student’s theatre “Buterbrody” had presented “Babylonian mess” performance for the audience.  ›››

Practical placement of master student Olga Kabanova in Athens. Открыть в новом окне [93 Kb]


The 2nd course OSU master student of Automobile Transport Department Olga Kabanova successfully completed the pre-thesis practical training in National Technical University of Athens (Greece) from 10th March till 7th April. ›››

Advanced courses for employees of Testing Centers of Russian language. Открыть в новом окне [81 Kb]


From 5th till 8th May in OSU employees of Testing Centers of Russian language as foreign passed advanced courses and in future they would conduct integration examination for migrant workers. ›››

Holiday concert for veterans. Открыть в новом окне [81 Kb]


The holiday concert for veterans and homefront workers of Great Patriotic War took place in OSU Students Center “Russia” on the 7th of May — on the eve of Victory Day.  ›››

Sakura. Открыть в новом окне [79 Kb]


More than 70 percent of plants are replanted to the main place of OSU — Botanic Garden at Tereshkova Street from nursery garden on Sharlykskoye Roadway, 5. ›››

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