Winners Generation

Holiday concert for veterans. Открыть в новом окне [81 Kb]

The holiday concert for veterans and homefront workers of Great Patriotic War took place in OSU Students Center “Russia” on the 7th of May — on the eve of Victory Day.

Holiday concert for veterans. Open in new window [78 Kb]
Before its beginning the lobby of Culture Center transformed into true field kitchen where guests could taste buckwheat porridge with brown bread and sweet hot tea. And of course they talked about old times…

The guests went in the concert hall after field dinner. OSU Rector Vladimir Kovalevskiy addresses with welcome speech to veterans, homefront workers, employees and students of the university. Congratulating with the great holiday, he noted that the victory in this war was the great work of our people and we have to be grateful them for the feat veterans made for us and absorb patriotism and respect to Motherland.

OSU “Russia” creative teams organized concerted items in honor of these great people and in memory of who, unfortunately, is no longer alive.

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