Foreign Experience Will Help

Practical placement of master student Olga Kabanova in Athens. Открыть в новом окне [93 Kb]

The 2nd course OSU master student of Automobile Transport Department Olga Kabanova successfully completed the pre-thesis practical training in National Technical University of Athens (Greece) from 10th March till 7th April.

The Tempus project "Highway Design and Management: Curricular Reform for Russian Federation Design and Implementation of Higher Education Master Courses in Russia” have been performing in OSU for three years. In the frame of this project Olga had opportunity to participate in practical training on Faculty of Agricultural and Topographical Engineering of Athens National Technical University and Athenian Regional Center for Traffic Management. Within her practical placement the master student had analyzed the general characteristics of public transportation systems and had acquainted with local specifics of passenger traffic and key priorities of transport companies also.

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