Future of Social Sciences!

Natalya Shebarshova, Sergey Letuta, Irina Goptareva. Открыть в новом окне [58 Kb]

The international academic and research workshop “Reforming policy of humanitarian and social education: comparison of experience in post-socialist states” was organized in Orenburg State University on the 28th of May.

'Reforming policy of humanitarian and social education' workshop. Open in new window [74 Kb]
More than 70 reporters had presented their research works in six sections. There were postgraduates and professors of OSU, specialists from universities of Orenburg, Togliatti, Tyumen, Saint-Petersburg and Astana among the participants.

The papers of scientists from Orenburg and Kirgizia universities were considered during the plenary meeting.

— The reform of humanitarian education takes the special place among the current challenges of Russian modern society, — Irina Goptareva said (Doctor of Political Sciences, member of Organizing Committee, Head of OSU Political Science and Law Department). The wide usage of high-tech technologies in social education sphere influences the appearing of new professions. — She considered. That’s why specialists with social and humanitarian knowledge should transmit the appropriate information for future specialists with the aim to give them an opportunity to orientate well in date informational society.

The results of this scientific event published as symposium of workshop’s materials.

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