Universities of the USA and Russia: to find the differences

The USA lecturer Steven Tinsley. Открыть в новом окне [55 Kb]

The USA lecturer Steven Tinsley held a presentation of the USA higher education system for the OSU students on the first of November.

Presentation of the USA higher education system for the OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [84 Kb]

He told about similarities and differences between teaching in universities of our country and the New World. The OSU Prorector for Research Sergey Letuta attended the presentation organized by International Office of the OSU.

It turned out that the USA students form their schedule by themselves and most of them prefer to study away from home after school finishing. Tuition fee in American universities is several times higher than in Russian ones. Generally speaking the characteristics of higher education in the USA and Russia are similar. There wasn’t any significant differences except for the above listed. Steven Tinsley also answered the questions of students and professors.

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