Studying details of Japanese caring personnel management

Studying details of Japanese caring personnel management. Открыть в новом окне [177 Kb]

The OSU Japan Information Center and the Japanese Center in Nizhny Novgorod organized the online seminar «The development of organization structure and personnel training».

The leading speaker was Eyko Kamoshida, a famous theorist and practitioner in the field of Japanese personnel management. She started her own company CSManagementOffice and acts as a business consultant for a number of Japanese firms. She is also a researcher in the field of management theory.

Students have learnt what caring management is and how a company benefits from it, what employees are most valuable to a company’s leaders and how to develop a company’s climate. The most burning topic was distant work during pandemic.

Studying details of Japanese caring personnel management. Открыть в новом окне [107 Kb]
Studying details of Japanese caring personnel management. Открыть в новом окне [109 Kb]
Studying details of Japanese caring personnel management. Открыть в новом окне [168 Kb]

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