How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students

How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [187 Kb]

OSU students took part in the Ehime University Winter Online School «Approaches to Sustainable Development in Japan: Energy, Culture and Society».

Classes were held daily through December 7–11 and covered 3 topics: society, culture, energy. Moreover, students who study Japanese language had a chance to practice their language skills. Students from the two universities had lively discussions and strived to learn maximum about each other.

Every day after classes students could try a new culture: they had an online learning in origami and calligraphy, learnt how to do physical exercises together with radio Taiso and attended a master class in Japanese cuisine. The students also met with Mr. Sow, famous Japanese Kabuki dancer. The artist introduced students to the art of traditional dance.

— 33 OSU students attended the school and got the certificates for participation. Our students did a good job while developing and demonstrating presentations, using English and representing OSU in the international arena, — concluded Lyudmila Dokashenko, Director of OSU Department for International Cooperation and Education the Development.

How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [144 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [96 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [111 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [191 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [100 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [165 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [103 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [128 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [139 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [379 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [244 Kb]
How it was: classes in a Japanese online school through the eyes of OSU students. Открыть в новом окне [157 Kb]

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