The University in Germany is open for Russian students

The University in Germany is open for Russian students. Открыть в новом окне [129 Kb]

On October 14, OSU teachers and students had an online meeting with their colleagues from the Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (Bochum, Germany).

The Zoom conference organized by the OSU Department of International Cooperation and Education Development and THGA staff members united 60 participants.

Alyona Poluektova, an employee of the German University, briefed the audience on the modern status of the educational institution, its history and development goals.

Russian students who studied at the German University also joined the discussion in THGA. Arina Smirnova is a student from Kemerovo who graduated from the University. She stayed for two semesters in Bochum and shared her experience in studying abroad:

— In addition to my major, I also enrolled into the German language courses organized in THGA. And already in my second year at THGA I demonstrated C1 level which is the proficiency level of German knowledge for a foreign citizen. And it is obvious that talented THGA teachers helped to achieve such striking results, — said Arina.

Russian students shared with the details of student life, medical care and insurance, financial costs and expenses.

THGA staff members introduced the participants to the forms of study, scholarship programs, admission requirements and procedures and answered every questions coming from the audience.

The University in Germany is open for Russian students. Открыть в новом окне [97 Kb]
Arina Smirnova. Открыть в новом окне [82 Kb]
The University in Germany is open for Russian students. Открыть в новом окне [91 Kb]
The University in Germany is open for Russian students. Открыть в новом окне [128 Kb]
The University in Germany is open for Russian students. Открыть в новом окне [165 Kb]

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