Uzbekistan builds business with Orenburg region

Uzbekistan builds business with Orenburg region. Открыть в новом окне [160 Kb]

On September 21, a delegation from the Andijan region of Uzbekistan visited the Orenburg region.

Uzbekistan builds business with Orenburg region. Открыть в новом окне [176 Kb]

The regional government held a meeting on the cooperation between the Orenburg region of the Russian Federation and the Andijan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The visiting program charted a meeting with local government and business community. Victoria Bobrova, Director of OSU Institute of Management, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, moderated the meeting. The participants presented potentials of the regions and discussed the economic and humanitarian cooperation. Special focus went to bilateral cooperation with “Orenburg Feed Plant”, “Water Technologies”, “Arbat Composite”, “Steppe” and “Association of Orenburg region translators”. The meeting discussed the possibility for Uzbekistan students to study in Orenburg universities.

 — We hope the visit will contribute to the establishment and development of fruitful cooperation in various areas between the regions, and as the result we will get some specific business projects, — said Victoria Bobrova.

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