State exams go without disruptions

State exams go without disruptions . Открыть в новом окне [112 Kb]

On-line sate exam for "Economic security" graduates has been going for two days. 47 future specialists in financial accounting and control in law enforcement agencies have successfully passed the first tests.

Students were taking their exam from home and four external examiners used Microsoft Teams video conferencing service.

Gennady Grebnev, Associate Professor of the Department noted that high quality of sound recording system provided a high quality of hearing through headphones. The students didn’t have a chance for cheating off as everything was in full view. But the students have prepared for the exam, demonstrating good knowledge and making no attempts to use any crib notes.

The results of the first online exams were summed up Zhanna Ermakova, OSU Rector:

— We had no doubts about whether to conduct state exams or not. This is a very important part of the educational program. The diploma of our University remains with graduates for life and certifies the quality of high level education.

Of course, a state exam in on-line format is something unusual. Though on-line learning has been part of the training process before, it was not used so often, especially for administering final exams. Taking on-line exams has a number of very important procedural points: identification of a person, banning for using unauthorized sources of information, random selection of the exam assignment, video contact between the examiners and students. We have met all these requirements.

Well, this procedure will not replace the traditional form of the exam. It should be used only if necessary, — continues Zhanna Anatolyevna. — I think we managed to establish a personal contact between a student and examination board and create this special emotional atmosphere that a student will remember for life.

State exams go without disruptions . Открыть в новом окне [178 Kb]
State exams go without disruptions . Открыть в новом окне [132 Kb]
State exams go without disruptions . Открыть в новом окне [134 Kb]

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