Tatiana Olkhovaya: "OSU diploma will remain a quality guarantee of graduates 'knowledge"

Tatiana Olkhovaya: 'OSU diploma will remain a quality guarantee of graduates 'knowledge' . Открыть в новом окне [134 Kb]

Amid the COVID19 pandemic, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia has delegated authorities to universities to choose a state exam as the final testing for graduates and define its format according to an educational standard’s requirements.

— With its 65-year history Orenburg State University has been, is and will be a forge of highly qualified specialists," — says Tatiana Olkhovaya, OSU Prorector for Academic Affairs. — Today’s reality has sent a new challenge to the educators and students of our University. And now it is extremely important that the distance learning format does not reduce the level of training, as well as state exams and graduation theses. They are to demonstrate the level of training, professional competencies and the quality of knowledge acquired. By the way, the same format of testing will have the graduates of Lomonosov Moscow State University, MPSU, HSE and other leading institutions. Valery Falkov, Minister of Education and Science is sure that all exams and graduation theses defense can be organized online. We understand that there may be some technical problems related to the operation of networks. But the road will be mastered by the walking one. Our country, our region needs competent specialists who will show diligence, hard work, and the will to win in any situation. I urge all teachers and students to work with greater responsibility in this new environment and put maximum efforts not to have some disappointing failures. As always “We are one University, we are one team"!

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