OSU claims to be one of the «boiling points» in Russia

OSU claims to be one of the «boiling points» in Russia. Открыть в новом окне [170 Kb]

A new project of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives “Boiling Point” is to find people who have ideas but face some difficulties to implement them.

OSU claims to be one of the «boiling points» in Russia. Открыть в новом окне [89 Kb]

The Boiling Point hubs are the sites where ideas can get experts' evaluation, media promotion and administrative support. Leading universities with a potential for research and youngsters wishing to change the world for the better are joining the project.

Orenburg State University, being a powerful center for such initiatives, applied to participate in the “Boiling Point”.

Today, on April 23 OSU held an 80-minutes video conference to analyze first outcomes in creating the “Boiling Point”: the university formed the concept of the hub and defined how it would function and interact with community.

Ekaterina Poyarkova, OSU Head of Materials Mechanics, Constructions and Machines Department is the promoter of the idea in the region and university. In her presentation Dr. Poyarkova shared her personal and professional interests to open and act in this environment of team work.

The key tasks for the platform are to organize teams of leaders for transformation (attracting and training staff and partners), to "reassemble" education system and mechanisms for cooperation with partners and institutions; to integrate the University into the National Technological Initiative (NTI) ecosystem and to develop digital services.

Heads and associate professors of OSU departments briefed Svetlana Pankova and Sergey Semenov, OSU Vice-rectors, on the results of preparatory work on the project.

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