The best boxer among students studies at OSU

Hikmet Garaev, OSU student from the Faculty of Law. Открыть в новом окне [136 Kb]

Hikmet Garaev, OSU student from the Faculty of Law has won Russian Boxing Championship among students up to 69 kg.

Hikmet Garaev, OSU student from the Faculty of Law. Открыть в новом окне [109 Kb]
Hikmet Garaev, OSU student from the Faculty of Law. Открыть в новом окне [133 Kb]

100 boxers — students from Russian universities competed for the Champion title in 10 weight status categories. Hikmet Garaev, Candidate Master of Sports, among the four trainees of G.I. Vasiljev Sport School of Olympic Reserve represented the Orenburg region at the tournament. To get the Champion’s title he won four fights.

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