To “Ivolga” with new projects

To “Ivolga” with new projects. Открыть в новом окне [187 Kb]

63 OSU students departed to the Youth Forum “Ivolga” supported by the Volga Federal District. They numbered more than a half of the Orenburg region delegates.

At 7.00 am Yuri Berg, Governor of the Orenburg region and Vera Bashirova, Vice-Governor of the Orenburg region, Vice-Chairman of the Orenburg region Government for Internal Affairs participated in farewell ceremony arranged for the talented youths.

During the Forum planned for July 26 — August 4 in the Samara region OSU students will present projects aimed to face different modern challenges in ecology, robotic engineering, cyber security, medicine and other spheres.

Yuri Berg, Governor of the Orenburg region. Открыть в новом окне [101 Kb]
Vera Bashirova, Vice-Governor of the Orenburg region, Vice-Chairman of the Orenburg region Government for Internal Affairs. Открыть в новом окне [78 Kb]
To “Ivolga” with new projects. Открыть в новом окне [236 Kb]
To “Ivolga” with new projects. Открыть в новом окне [165 Kb]
To “Ivolga” with new projects. Открыть в новом окне [96 Kb]

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