A professor from Germany evaluates the thesis defence

The meeting of Zhanna Ermakova, OSU Rector with Klaus Haenssgen, Professor from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Открыть в новом окне [142 Kb]

For the first time Professor Klaus Haenssgen from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (Germany) evaluates students' knowledge as a member of the State Attestation Commission at the OSU Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies.

Zhanna Ermakova noted that Klaus Haenssgen as a true "OSU Honorary Professor" is constantly involved in the educational process of the university. He lectures to master's degree students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology, and this year he is to evaluate the level of knowledge they have received.

Orenburg State University and Leipzig University of Applied Sciences have been closely cooperating since 2007. The cooperation lists academic exchange of students and their participation in international summer schools at Russian and German universities, administration officials’ visits to partners, internships and joint research work of scientists of the two countries, etc.

The meeting of Zhanna Ermakova, OSU Rector with Klaus Haenssgen, Professor from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Открыть в новом окне [126 Kb]
The meeting of Zhanna Ermakova, OSU Rector with Klaus Haenssgen, Professor from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Открыть в новом окне [116 Kb]
The meeting of Zhanna Ermakova, OSU Rector with Klaus Haenssgen, Professor from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Открыть в новом окне [176 Kb]

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