Constructive dialogue between youth in Eurasia

Venaliy Amelin. Открыть в новом окне [113 Kb]

Venaliy Amelin, director of the Research Institute of the History and Ethnography of the Southern Urals participated in international expert meeting “Youth of Russia and Azerbaijan: traditional values — reference point to the future” which was hosted by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

International experts (political scientists, politicians, researchers) discussed various aspects of traditional youth values, giving special focus to the challenges of confessionalization and religious education in post-Soviet countries. Besides, the participants have considered the possibilities of Internet space as a territory to counter extremism. They also discussed how to support youth leadership.

Venaliy Amelin delivered a report on “Orthodoxy and Islam: the experience of a constructive dialogue among the youth of Eurasia”. He analysed a positive experience in intercultural dialogue of young Orthodoxy and Islam representatives in various regions of the Russian Federation. He presented some particularly effective forms and mechanisms, which can be successfully applied in the Eurasian space, including through the organization of international events and projects.

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