Go to Study to Beijing

Master’s Degree Student of Faculty for Philology and Journalism Olga Stuley. Открыть в новом окне [163 Kb]

Master’s Degree Student of Faculty for Philology and Journalism Olga Stuley is studying at Beijing University for Foreign Languages (北京外国语大学) since the last September.

Master’s Degree Student of Faculty for Philology and Journalism Olga Stuley. Открыть в новом окне [146 Kb]
Master’s Degree Student of Faculty for Philology and Journalism Olga Stuley. Открыть в новом окне [177 Kb]

She started to visit the OSU Center for Chinese Language and Chinese Culture during the second academic year. It was her school dream. After a year she has solidified her knowledge during a monthly internship in Shanghai where she was not only communicating with native speakers but she also got to feel the local set of mind and fell in love with this country and its population. Intense studying left its effect: in spring 2016 she became a winner of the First Regional Olympiad among students of the second language that was held in Orenburg President Cadet School. After such achievements the student made a decision to participate in the competition for free training in one of Chinese universities and government scholarship of People's Republic of China organized by the Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Then she was enrolled in Beijing University for Foreign Languages. Young people from South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Spain, Italy, and Germany are studying together with her.

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