Universities’ National Rating: OSU Improves Its Positions

Orenburg State University. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [222 Kb]

Orenburg State University has improved its positions in the National Rating of Russian Universities.

In 2016 (as in 2015) our university took the 101st place, and participants’ number has increased fromš209 toš238.

The activity of universities was estimated by 6šparameters: "Education", "Research", "Social Sphere", "International Activity", "Innovations and Entrepreneurship", "Brand". OSU has boosted its positions in three parameters: "Education", "Research", and "The Best Brands of Russian Universities".

The National Universities’ Ratingš— a project of International Information Group "Interfax" and Radio Station "Ekho Moskvy"š— is conducted sinceš2010. Orenburg State University is a single university of Orenburg Region that was selected for participating in this rating. HEI assessments are based not on the direct data from the universities, but on open information that is available on specialized websites, social networks and mass media.

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