Cooperation for Three Centuries

International Scientific Conference 'Humanitarian cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan' in Almaty. Открыть в новом окне [132 Kb]

The scientists from Orenburg took part in the International Scientific Conference “Humanitarian cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan” in Almaty. It was devoted to the 25th anniversary of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

The report of Venaliy Amelin — Head of Research Institute of the History and Ethnography of the Southern Urals (OSU) aroused much interest. According to his opinion, for the first time over a post-Soviet period, the CIS have controlled centrifugal tendencies that could escalate in many conflicts according to the Yugoslav scenario. Other representatives of the Orenburg delegation also have made presentations.

The scientists formulated general assessment of the past and modern events, as well as established a program for development of new cooperation areas between scientific centers of Russia and Kazakhstan.

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