Specialists in Bioelementology Synchronized Watches

Anatoly Skalny — Director of OSU Bioelementology Institute. Открыть в новом окне [145 Kb]

The scientists in the field of Bioelementology gathered in Orenburg State University to discuss fundamental principles and practical implementation of bio-elements for medicine, food industry, ecology and agriculture.

— Our main task — is to understand how chemical elements live inside of us, develop and, how to control them with the aim to extend life duration and improve its quality — noted Anatoly Skalny, Chairman of Russian Society for Medical Elementology, Director of OSU Bioelementology Institute, President of "Center of Biotic Medicine" (Moscow), the member of Supervisory Board of Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM).

Anatoly literally came to the conference from the airport. The group of scientists under his leadership finished research in Tajikistan aimed on creating a program for health improvement of junior pupils by means of bio-element development. Recommendations of UN World Food Programme are issued so the study was conducted by its order. The scientists offered to review pupils’ food for Tajikistan Ministry of Health to enrich it with micro- and macro-elements.

Anatoly Skalniy also focused public attention on another project — creation of element status for Russian population. The goal is adjustment of essential elements deficit (all structural micro and macro-elements). These measures will improve quality and increase life duration and, consequently, will help the state to save costs for citizens’ health support.

Igor Shavrin — Head of Science Department of Orenburg Regional Ministry of Education. Открыть в новом окне [87 Kb]
Rio Sekiya — Lecturer of Hiroshima University (Japan). Открыть в новом окне [131 Kb]
Sergey Miroshnikov — Executive Director of OSU Bioelementology Institute. Открыть в новом окне [138 Kb]
Voloshin V.I. — Professor of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. Открыть в новом окне [98 Kb]
Tatyana Burtseva — Senior Researcher of OSU Scientific and Production Laboratory of Cell Technologies. Открыть в новом окне [150 Kb]
The 4th Research and Practice Conference 'Bioelements'. Открыть в новом окне [162 Kb]
The 4th Research and Practice Conference 'Bioelements'. Открыть в новом окне [156 Kb]

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