OSU — Mexico!

Cultural attaché of Mexico Embassy in Russiaš— Horkhe Reynoso and member of Embassy Culture Departmentš— Antonina Vasina. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [163 Kb]

Representatives of Mexico Embassy in Russia met with OSU Rector, students and professors on the 25th of April.

Meeting between representatives of Mexico Embassy in Russia and OSU Rector. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [142 Kb]
OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [102 Kb]
Meeting between representatives of Mexico Embassy in Russia and OSU Rector. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [151 Kb]
Sergey Kuznetsov, Horkhe Reynoso, Zhanna Ermakova, Grigoriy Pyatkin, Igor Khramov. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [153 Kb]
On OSU viewing platform. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [152 Kb]
Cultural attaché of Mexico Embassy in Russiaš— Horkhe Reynoso and member of Embassy Culture Departmentš— Antonina Vasina. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [151 Kb]
Lecture of Horkhe Reynosoš— 'Art of Mexico' for OSU students. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [152 Kb]

Within Mexico Days, cultural attaché of Mexico Embassy in Russiaš— Horkheo Reynoso and member of Embassy Culture Departmentš— Antonina Vasina accompanied by deputy Head of International Cooperation Department of Culture and External Relations Ministry of Orenburg regionš— Sergey Kuznetsov and President of Orenburg charity foundation "Eurasia"š— Igor Khramov visited OSU. OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova presented OSU for guests briefly, paid their attention to its scope and work of several language centers.

Horkhe Reynoso reported that cooperation of Russia and Mexico develops generally within intergovernmental education agreement: governments of both countries award grants for students’ training. Today young people from Mexico study in Voronezh, St.šPetersburg, Kazan and some other Russian cities. Orenburg is not in this list yet.

Zhanna Ermakova paid attention of guests to such cooperation format as Summer School: students can improve language skills, get acquainted with national culture and listen to survey lecturesš— to understand whether training at this university is interesting or not. She also suggested Horkhe Reynoso to specify as far as possible needs for training of students from different universities of Mexicoš— with a view to build extensive relationship between interested parties. Spheres of the most probable interests of Mexican students in OSU are: Linguistics, History, Geology and Archeology.

Horkhe Reynoso delivered lecture for OSU students "Art of Mexico"š— about the outstanding Mexican artist of Russian origin, well-known in the world under pseudonym Vladi. He told also about art movement and monumental painting in early 20th century in his countryš— about Mexican "muralizm" which had major impact on art of all Latin America.

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