Harmony from Generation to Generation

Grigory Pyatkin, Sergey Golovin, Venaliy Amelin. Открыть в новом окне [123 Kb]

Meeting of "Eurasian Intersection" expert club on the subject of "Youth in Polyethnical Regions of Russia and Kazakhstan" organized by OSU Scientific Research Institute of South Ural History and Ethnography in partnership with Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Association of Eurasia Nation" took place in August.

Aytul Salimzhankyzy and Inkar Kayirliyeva. Открыть в новом окне [112 Kb]

Opening the meeting Venaliy Amelin — director of OSU Scientific Research Institute of South Ural History and Ethnography emphasized need of active work with youth, education in the spirit of tolerance and respect for various cultures in polyethnical society. He reminded that Russian State National Strategy issue the challenge of expanding ethnic history and spiritual culture among the rising generation.

In Orenburg region pupils get lectures on problems of ethnology and social anthropology; special courses on actual problems of national policy state-church relations are developed. Conferences, round tables, books presentations, symposiums on the subject are held regularly. Ethnological education promotes youth acquaintance with culture of various people, experience of their cohabitation, understanding of interrelation and unity within the civil nation on the basis of love to the common land.

Neighborliness and fellow problems of two countries promote cooperation of youth organizations in Kazakhstan and Russian Federation what have already created extensive field of experience. The youth core groups of West Kazakhstan region annually participates in Orenburg international festival of student's creativity "Na Nikolaevskoy", Russian-Kazakhstan camp "Neighbors" and other joint actions with great interest.

The warm human relations become a pledge preserving peace and consent of the people from Russia and Kazakhstan from generation to generation.

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