Russiaš— Tajikistan: It Is Necessary to Cooperate

International round table 'Russian-Tajik Interregional Cooperation: Experience, Tendencies and Prospects'. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [147 Kb]

International round table "Russian-Tajik Interregional Cooperation: Experience, Tendencies and Prospects" took place in "Gazovik" culture center on Julyš16 where OSU Scientific Research Institute of History and Ethnography of South Ural was of one of the organizers.

International round table 'Russian-Tajik Interregional Cooperation: Experience, Tendencies and Prospects'. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [143 Kb]
International round table 'Russian-Tajik Interregional Cooperation: Experience, Tendencies and Prospects'. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [148 Kb]

Actual questions of interaction between two countries and prospects of Tajikistan connection to Eurasian Economic Union were discussed.

Aleksandr Kalininš— Deputy Minister of Culture and External Communications of Orenburg region, Director of International Cooperation Department presented the comprehensive picture of economic cooperation between our region and Tajikistan in his report. He noticed the currently increase in mutual trade volume: for 2014 it grew up twice and reached 135,9šmillion rubles with positive balance of our area (134,1šmillion rubles of export and 1,8šmillion of import). Following the results of I quarter 2015, foreign trade turnover between Orenburg region and Tajikistan increased more than four times compared with the same period and amounted 9.3% of total foreign trade volume of the region. Orenburg’s share in Russian foreign trade with Tajikistan was 25.9%šduring the same period.

Generally our region exports oil products, goods from ferrous metals, plastic, wood, electrical machines, equipment, tools to friendly country. The perspective direction is delivery of regional mechanical engineering production to the republic. Representative group of Orenburg business community will visit Dushanbe and Khujand for delivery discussion in Septemberš2015.

Scientists and experts from Tajikistan noted that import orientation of the country to deliveries from Russia; high share of migrant workers income in national GDP; interest of joint safety ensuring from radical Islamic organizations’ external threats; need of collective fight against drug crime objectively urge connecting to EEU.

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