Microscope — Larger and More Clear

Research of OSU scientists. Открыть в новом окне [126 Kb]

Scientific group of OSU Laser and Information Biophysics Center completed research of composite nanoparticles’ plasma qualities under supervision of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Mikhail Kucherenko. The results allow exploring the world of super small (separate groups of atoms) particles in more detail.

Research of OSU scientists. Открыть в новом окне [117 Kb]
Mikhail Kucherenko. Открыть в новом окне [127 Kb]
Scientific group of OSU Laser and Information Biophysics Center. Открыть в новом окне [117 Kb]

The main task of research in 2014 was studying additional modules’ properties for optical systems capable to increase electromagnetic field in near-field optical microscope. OSU scientific group suggested implementing plasmons (plasma vibrations’ quanta of electron gas) as intermediaries by information transfer in optical path of near-field microscopes for development of its resolution power and quality improvement.

It helps to receive image of an object smaller than wave length of light radiation; in other words, to deepen in complex world of super small particles composed of micro number of separate atoms and molecules. Observation of microorganisms, plant and animal cells, small crystals, metals microstructure smaller than microscope’s average standard resolution will become possible.

The production of more competitive optical systems can be initiated on the basis of OSU Laser and Information Biophysics Center’s project that will lead to market replacement of traditional technology by research-intensive products. Light sources of new generation, monitors, optoelectronic amplifiers and transformers of low light signals could become good examples of this research.

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