Fair of Innovations

Innovations fair. Open in new window [94šKb]

The project of Artem Bykov, Head of OSU Scientific and Innovative Students’ Projects Department, took the 3d place on the "Russian innovationsš— Russian capital" fair. This event was held in frames of the 3d International Business-Summit in Nizhny Novgorod on 10–12 of September.

Innovations fair. Open in new window [90šKb]

The representatives of business industry, state, educational, research organizations of Volga Federal District were the participants. The projects on the main development directions of fundamental scientific and engineering education were presented in frames of the fair. About 100šintramural presentation-projects and about 300šextra-mural projects, which were placed in telemarketing system, were assessed by experts.

Two projects were represented by Orenburg State University. The first oneš— "Complex program for forecasting and preventive measures of the addiction’s development to psychoactive substances in the youth sphere" was accomplished by a group of researchers under the supervision of Svetlana Notova, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department. The main function of this product is to calculate the probability of addiction occurrence. The program could be used in medical centers, educational institutions. Employees of OSU Bioelements Institute under the guidance of Artem Bykov were the authors of the second projectš— "Obtaining technology for feeding with implementation of innovative approaches to processing of vegetable raw materials and waste products of agricultural sector". The innovators have been working with this theme during 5šyears. They developed the production technology for new food additive from waste products of processing industry. As the result, feeding stuffs have its nutritive properties increased. The solution of utilization of organic wastes of enterprises belonging to the agricultural sector is also possible by the project’s realization. It is expected that feed-processing plants, farming enterprises, factories processing agricultural raw materials will be interested in this project.

Eighteen research projects from Orenburg were presented on this fair and 7 of them took the prizes.

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