Key of Knowledge

Knowledge Day in OSU. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [77 Kb]

The celebration of Knowledge Day and solemn matriculation took place in OSU.

Multicolored balloons, flower bunches and loud musicš— on the 1st of September Orenburg State University celebrated Knowledge Day for the 59th time. Even weather didn’t damp peoples’ cheer: sun shined bright. The lecturers, students and their parents, students of university’s colleges and Orenburg pupils were on “Orenburg” stadium.

OSU Rector Vladimir Kovalevskiy opened the celebration. He emphasized that the university provides everything necessary in order to students feel surely and comfortably. Thus the renovated students’ hostel No.3 was open few days ago and reconstructed educational building No.4 opened its doors at Knowledge Day. Dmitriy Kulaginš— acting Vice Governor, deputy Prime-minister of Orenburg Region congratulated the main persons of celebrationš— first-year students. He noted that Orenburg State University train real professionals, able to take on the most difficult tasks. Head of Orenburg Administration Evgeniy Arapov also congratulated the students. Orenburg and Saraktash Metropolitan Valentin blessed the participants for new academic year.

The parade of OSU faculties became traditional on the 1st of September. Students represented their departments with emblems and flags.

The "Olympian Gods"š— Zeus, Themis, Clio, Daedalus came to congratulate students, told about sciences studied in the university, gave advices how to reveal all universe secrets. The first-year students with the highest results on Unified State Examination received student cards and symbolic keys of knowledge from tutors’ hands.

The creative teams of OSU Students Centerš— CC "Rossia": "Zhemchuzhinka", "Ekskurs", "Inie" continued the grand holiday for the guests.

Vladimir Kovalevskiy. Open in new window [79šKb]
Dmitriy Kulagin. Open in new window [77šKb]
Orenburg and Saraktash Metropolitan Valentin. Open in new window [78šKb]
Aleksandr Mostovenko. Open in new window [78šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [77šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [77šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [79šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [79šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [79šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [77šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [78šKb]
Knowledge Day in OSU. Open in new window [79šKb]

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