Flowers not for Posy

Ecological action 'Let's protect Schrenck's tulip!'. Открыть в новом окне [86 Kb]

“Let’s protect Schrenck’s tulip!” — Students of OSU Geology and Geography Faculty appeal to Orenburg citizens. On the 28th of April the ecological action directed on protection of unique flowers was organized in 5 places of the city.

Ecological action 'Let's protect Schrenck's tulip!'. Open in new window [78 Kb]
Flavorous bunches of tulips are selling at a low price in spring time everywhere. Besides, sellers and customers don’t care that flowers are registered in Red Book of Orenburg region.

— It is important to remember that protection of unique plants is the criteria of environmental security for any region. Schrenck’s tulips are like “life beacon” for us. Unfortunately the range of these cowslips reduces year by year. The reasons are irresponsibility of people and factor of territory plowing, — Elena Grivko, associate professor of OSU Environment Protection and Nature Management Department explained.

About 60 volunteers distributed leaflets with appeals “Let’s protect steppe cowslips for future generations!” and “Don’t support tulips poachers!” in several places of Orenburg simultaneously.

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