Impossible to forget

Meeting 'Brothers in arms in Afghanistan'. Open in new window [77šKb]

A meeting “Brothers in arms in Afghanistan” has been held in the museum of OSU History on the 12th of February.

Meeting 'Brothers in arms in Afghanistan'. Open in new window [79šKb]
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet combatant forces from Afghanistan lectors and students of OSU met with chairman of Veterans’ Council of Orenburg region, Viktor Pinigin, keeper of the museum of Military Glory and the Afghan War, I.V.šSalova. Former peacekeeping soldiers V.I.šSoldatov and V.N.šShaidullin, who took part in Afghanistan's battle actions, were invited to the event.

According to various sources about 183 Orenburg citizens didn't come back from the Afghan War. I.V.šSalova told that she lost her son during this unannounced war. V.I.šSoldatov and V.N.šShaidullin shared their memories about military service in Afghanistan. They noticed that soldiers’ life hung by a thread every day, they attained a combat tasks in severe conditions, but letters from home gave the strengths. “I wrote to my mother that I have military service in Mongolia. I didn’t want to worry her. I got luck that I came back homeš— injured, but alive,”š— said V.I.šSoldatov.

In the end of event participants of meeting got acquainted with the exposition “Brothers in arms in Afghanistan”.

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