Tatiana Day in OSU

Festive concert devoted to Tatiana Day in OSU. Открыть в новом окне [78 Kb]

On the 25th of January festive events devoted to the Day of Russian Studentship and to 18th anniversary of OSU in a status of classical higher educational institution took place in the university.

Ceremonial prayer. Открыть в новом окне [103 Kb]
Festive concert devoted to Tatiana Day in OSU. Открыть в новом окне [82 Kb]

The ceremonial meetings on faculties and in structural divisions were organised on the eve of the festive date — 24th of January. Employees and students got Rector’s acknowledgements and letters of commendation.

On the 25th of January Orenburg’s and Saraktash’s metropolitan Valentin conducted a prayer in the family church of Saint Tatiana, patroness of studentship, according to the long-term tradition. Regular church members, lectors, students, OSU Rector Vladimir Kovalevskiy and others representatives of university’s administration took part in this religious holiday.

Then joined meeting of academic council of university and faculties took place in “Rossiya” student’s centre. During this meeting veterans of OSU, best students, lectors and employees were congratulated.

At the end of the festive day was a concert.

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