Playing football is charitably

Charitable football match. Open in new window [89šKb]

On the 16th and 17th of November a charitable football match took place in OSU by support of charitable actions of the voluntary movement. The organizers were voluntary movement’s coordination center "OSU Volunteer" and national students’ football league in Orenburg city.

Charitable football match. Open in new window [103šKb]
The 16 teams participated in this match game. The main goal of the action is to raise money for patients of the regional oncology hospital. Every player has paid 50šrubles in the common moneybox. A person who had a wish and an opportunity might contribute a larger sum. So, Anastasiya Zavodskaya, volunteer of the voluntary movement’s coordination center of OSU paid 1š000šrubles.

"The students didn’t remain indifferent to this action. University’s staff also took part in the match game. They organized the team called "Poligon". This team consists of Transport Faculty professors, staff of Department of Internal Order and Modern Information Technologies in Education",š— says Natalya Kovaleva, chief of OSU Department of Social and Educational Work.

The sum of 10 thousand and 570 rubles was collected during these two days. The money will be directed for purchase a gurney for one of the Orenburg regional oncology hospital.

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