Expanding Relations

Seminar on joint educational programs’ development. Открыть в новом окне [90 Kb]

Oleg Krikotov — Head of International Programs Department participated in seminar on joint educational programs’ development between Higher Educational Institutions of European Union and Russian Federation, which was held in Yekaterinburg and organized by EU Delegation in Russia together with Ural Federal University.

Seminar on joint educational programs’ development. Open in new window [82 Kb]
The experts from EU and Russia discussed the new program "Erasmus+" which replaces the current Tempus and Erasmus Mundus. The representatives of Russian National Tempus Office shared the opinion on development of joint educational programs and importance of its independent accreditation in Russian universities.

Tobias Studemann, the representative of Freie Universität Berlin (Free University of Berlin) expressed his opinion about the features of the international cooperation with Russian Universities.

The individual meetings between representatives of Russian and European universities and experts in the field of international education were held at the end of discussions, on the second day of seminar there was organized the fair "Education in Europe".

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