Peace Lesson in Lyceum

Japanese lecturer Syota Kusibiki. Open in new window [70šKb]

Peace Lesson in the framework of initiative "Mayors for Peace" was held in Lyceumš№š5 jointly with OSU Japanese Information Center on the 21st of September.

"Mayors for Peace" — is the international organization founded inš1982 on the initiative of Hiroshima and Nagasaki mayors. The main goal is disarmament and prevention of nuclear weapon usage in the world. The initiative "Mayors for Peace" unites more than 5,000 cities. Orenburg joined this movement inš2009 by our university effort.

The exposition about terrible events of 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was organized in Lyceumš№š5. The first exhibition was conducted in OSU on the 16th of Octoberš2009. The exhibits impressed participants once again.

The transfer of the parcel from Japanese city Niigata which came to the university in summer was the most important and exciting event of the day. Letters, colored paper cranes, drawings of Japanese pupils were in the parcel. All that symbolize peace and future without nuclear weapon. After children from Lyceum will write letters to Japanese friends.

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