The Center for Five Regions

Venaliy Amelin. Открыть в новом окне [92 Kb]

Distributed Scientific Center (DSC) of international and interreligious problems (department of Volga federal district) was opened in OSU under the management of Director of Southern Urals History and Ethnography Institute Professor Venaliy Amelin.

Sergey Letuta, Venaliy Amelin,  Vladimir Zorin. Open in new window [73 Kb]

The center is the part of Russian Research Centre Department in Moscow, which should execute actual and priority researches of applied relevance which can help public authorities to work more effectively, to prevent and solve ethnic tension and conflicts, to confirm Russian self-consciousness, civil accord and tolerance. It was created by the order of President, Russian Federation Education and Science Ministry in association with Russian Academy of Sciences. Orenburg State University was chosen as basic institution for monitoring of inter-ethnic and confessional relations and sociological research among students of five regions of Volga federal district: Orenburg, Samara, Saratov areas, Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

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