Four seasons — ten misses

Nadezda Kalenskaya, miss student of the OSU — 2013. Открыть в новом окне [75 Kb]

On the 22d of March a traditional show-competition "Miss Student of the OSU — 2013" took place in Students Center of the OSU — Palace of Culture "Russia".

Alina Redina, student of faculty of Journalism of the OSU. Открыть в новом окне [76 Kb]
Yasgul Talypova, student of faculty of Physics of the OSU. Открыть в новом окне [76 Kb]
Dina Bagautdinova, student of Aerospace Institute. Открыть в новом окне [76 Kb]
Dance competition. Открыть в новом окне [87 Kb]
Fashion show competition. Открыть в новом окне [85 Kb]
Competition 'Miss student of the OSU — 2013'. Открыть в новом окне [93 Kb]
Awarding of the competition’s winner 'Miss student of the OSU — 2013'. Открыть в новом окне [76 Kb]

Students of Orenburg State University appeared before the audience in looks representing the four seasons. And variety of these looks didn’t allow the audience to be bored — from romantic winter to dynamic summer.

Besides thematic stages of competition there were also traditional stages. Girls presented a music video (a performance) on a pop song, showed their podium talents, representing youth clothes provided by show’s sponsors and together performed a dance to the popular composition Tacabro — "Takata". Leading groups of Students Center of the OSU — Palace of Culture "Russia" performed between stages.

Alina Redina, Yasgul Talypova and Dina Bagautdinova were entitled as "Vice-Miss students of the OSU — 2013". A participant, who also has won the Internet voting, won a crown of "Miss student of the OSU — 2013". It is "Miss elegance" Nadezda Kalenskaya!

— I am very happy! — miss student of the OSU says. — I think that it was impossible without support of my family and friends.

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