
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films

Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [222 Kb]

With the support of the Embassy of Japan in Russia and the Orenburg region Government the OSU Japanese Information Center organized the XVII Festival of Japanese Films. The cinema-theatre «Sokol» hosted the fans of Japanese culture, students, young athletes, guests from the Orenburg region and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

— This festival is our window to Japan, — said Sergey Miroshnikov, OSU Interim rector. — This country is rich in cultural heritage. It is very essential for us today to know and study this culture, to understand what is happening in Japan, how this country is developing now and what will come next. Orenburg State University has an impressive history of cooperation with Japan. For more than 15 years we have the OSU Japanese Information Center. The main fields of our cooperation are culture and science. We have joint projects with Hiroshima University and a number of other research institutions in Japan. I believe this to be the next step in developing our contacts. We have great hopes and put true prospects for the future. In 2021  we are actively cooperating with several prefectures in Japan to implement some certain projects.

The cinema-theatre’s lobby housed master classes in calligraphy and origami.

— People in Orenburg really appreciate Japanese culture, — says Lyudmila Dokashenko, director of OSU Japanese Information Center and Chairman of the Orenburg branch of «Russia — Japan Society». — It was on this day ten years ago that the tragedy in Fukushima happened. We have always empathized with our friends, colleagues and partners in difficult moments. We have always had interest to the traditions of this country and studied its rich cultural heritage. Together with the Embassy of Japan in Russia, we have selected interesting films for the festival’s program. I am sure that these widescreen bestsellers will entertain and hold the interest of the audience.

Students from the OSU Japanese Information Center, dressed in traditional costumes welcomed the participants of the festival and took photos with the guests. The traditional Japanese instrument shakuhachi added musical charm to the excitement.

— At the festival I play the Japanese shakuhachi flute, — says Alexander Charaev, a multi-instrumentalist. — It’s a meditation instrument of monks. The Zen religion – an offshoot of Buddhism – is widespread in Japan. And as a musician I am fascinated with it. Of course, it’s a great fun to play anime tracks. But for a deeper understanding of a culture, you need to know the full range of musical trends. I have been collaborating with the OSU Japanese Information Center for a long time and I am grateful to them for the opportunity to learn something new about Japanese culture.

Before the demonstration of the film «Hankyu Train. A miracle in fifteen minutes» the spectators watched the welcoming video message from Yamamoto Toshio, Minister — Head of the Information office of the Embassy of Japan in Russia. Then welcoming speeches went from Sergey Miroshnikov, OSU Interim rector, Maxim Pozdnyakov, General Director of «Obkinovideo», Lyudmila Dokashenko, Director of the OSU Japanese Information Center and Chairman of the Orenburg branch of «Russia — Japan Society», Ranit Yusupbayev, Chief of the Orenburg Committee on Physical Culture and Sports. Young judaists from OSU and the Judo Federation of the Orenburg region gave a short sport performance.

— We attended the festival with great pleasure as we are interested in the culture of this country, — said Ekaterina Sherkunova, Head of the Department for Social and Educational Activities from OSU Kumertau branch. — Our students were glad to take part in master classes in origami and calligraphy. And the film about a kind of simple trues makes you wonder about many things. In our everyday rush and bustle, we do not always see people. But we really need to stop and give each other a helping hand. I think this is very important for all of us.

Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [203 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [113 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [140 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [167 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [129 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [151 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [116 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [121 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [115 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [127 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [124 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [108 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [129 Kb]
Orenburg welcomes XVII Festival of Japanese Films. Открыть в новом окне [149 Kb]

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25 июля 2024 г., четверг

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