
"About the Main Thing": Contact with Sacred and Immortal

Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'. Открыть в новом окне [127 Kb]

Premiere of the charitable performance "About the Main Thing" took place In Orenburg Regional Drama Theater named after M. Gorky on the 25th of April.

Rehearsals and shootings of the movie performance which was a part of socio-cultural project "School of Family Theatre" directed to strengthening and unity of family and its involvement to theatrical art lasted three months. The Chairman of regional office "National Parental Association of Family Social Support and Protection of Family Values" (NPA) Elena Libkind noted that all Russia was forced into movement of family theater development. Larisa Sanatovskaya — executive director of NPA reported that she will propose to make Orenburg the pilot platform for National project.

OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova noted that OSU sets a task to create conditions for harmonious development of personality: young people should be included in cultural life of city and country in general, feel personal links with the past, without what the future is impossible.

The audience hall was filled up.

… Old cinema building has to be demolished next day. The lonely cinema operator is nostalgic about the past. It rains behind the window. Two young people — Kostya and Olya got out of rain in empty hall. It seems, that woman big tragedy unfolds: her darling works after hours whole week and doesn't spend nights at home, he probably has another woman. But everything appears differently: evident becomes incredible. It turns out that he shot film at the university all this time to make her unusual proposal. Action from stage is transferred to the screen — that’s why it is a film performance as it was declared in poster.

… Auditorium of Orenburg State University, students listen to professor, speak and … dance. Letters on students’ t-shirts make sentence "Marry Me". Strict OSU Rector is in the doorway, she doesn’t understand why it is noisy during lessons. Then she calms down quickly and asks everybody to say "yes". They shot this movie 10 hours in OSU, episode with Rector was made late in the evening.

More than 100 people were involved in this movie. 45 OSU students, Rector Zhanna Ermakova, Pro-rector for Social and Educational Affairs Sergey Semenov and Director of History Museum Vitaliy Popov were among them.

The raised funds will go for creation of studios "School of Family Theatre" in villages of Orenburg region.

Press conference
Press conference
OSU Rector Zhanna Ermakova
Press conference
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
The main characters of film performance — Svetlana Gutareva and Sergey Maximov
Alexander Fedorov — Director
Elena Libkind — chairman of regional office 'National Parental Association of Family Social Support and Protection of Family Values'
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'
Zhanna Ermakova with the main characters of movie performance
Zhanna Ermakova, Sergey Semenov, Vitaliy Popov and OSU students
Premiere of movie performance 'About the Main Thing'

вед. программист РиСС

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