
New Characters of Girls Dreams

Yuriy Shennikov. Открыть в новом окне [128 Kb]

Eight young men from different faculties competed for "Mister OSU Student — 2016" title on stage of OSU Students Centre — "Rossiya" on the eve of Defender's Day.

"Characters of girls’ dreams" was a motto of this competition. And it could be the truth; these boys can really appear in dreams of girls visited this show. The audience consisted of heads and lecturers of university departments, group-mates, friends, relatives and families that were ready to support participants.

The first competition was "Visiting card" where title-seekers present characters. Ilya Menzelintsev, student of OSU Aerospace Institute, presented unusual character — Puss in Boots. This image broke many women hearts by throwing a rose to the audience.

Andrey Doronin, a future architect, appeared on the stage as Pavel Volya — modern showman, good father and family man.

Aleksandr Kuvaykin, student of Economics and Finance Faculty, has proved that Orenburg State University undoubtedly has powerful Russian hero-knights.

Tender and purposeful Andrey Skopintsev, student of Faculty for Electrical Power Engineering, presented himself. This young man was sure that he already became a hero of his mother’s dreams. Andrey presented her a bunch of flowers in sign of love and gratitude for supporting in all undertakings.

Yuriy Shennikov, student of Faculty for Applied Biotechnology and Engineering, presented as Sergey Yesenin and emotionally read a poem "Letter for a woman".

Andrey Chekanin from Faculty of Economics and Management ensured that Nikolay Baskov ("Russian gold voice") has a lot of female admirers. The artistic young man personated the idol in such a way that it was almost impossible to find differences.

Aleksandr Kubagushev, student of OSU Transport Faculty demonstrated skills in high jumping, somersaulting and techniques of martial arts. His character — Jackie Chan — is truly able to protect women.

Egor Losev, student of Faculty for Mathematics and Information Technologies, finished the first performance. He appeared before the audience as charming Adriano Celentano.

In the following competition — music clips, participants demonstrated marked acting abilities. Aleksandr Kuvaykin floated above the stage with the song "White dragonfly of love". Yuriy Shennikov appeared before the audience with a white scarf around his neck and captain’s cap accompanied with a song "My sail whitens". Egor Losev chose a song of "Bazil" group. Andrey Chekanin and his cheerleaders staged "Schizophrenic tango" of Konstantin Meladze.

Performance groups of OSU Students Center "Rossiya" — "Kristall" fashion theatre, collective of vocal ensemble "Ekskurs", pop dancing team "Zhemchuzhinka", dancing project "Inye" and onstage circus "Antre" appeared between competitions.

Enthusiastic audience also became a participant of fashion show "Mister OSU Student — 2016". The performance was finished by a joint dance of all 8 participants wearing gentleman’s hats accompanied by the song from "Burlesque" musical performed by titleholders "Mister OSU Student" (2014, 2015) Artur Usmanov and Ivan Gromozdin.

— Participants were excellent prepared as always. We saw not just a competition, but an amazing show. And performance groups of OSU Center "Rossiya" completed and graced this evening, — Sergey Semenov, OSU Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Affairs, shared his impressions.

This year the audience poll was conducted not only in the OSU official web-site and "VKontakte" social network (OSU group), but on websites of event’s partners and sponsors. Aleksandr Kuvaykin took the first place in the poll conducted by "Sprut" online-shop, Women’s Day and fitness-club "ALEX FITNESS". Companies’ representatives awarded him with money certificate, souvenirs and unlimited gym card.

Andrey Skopintsev obtained a majority of voices on the OSU official web-site. And Aleksandr Kubagushev — in social network "VKontakte". He was given a special title "Mister VK.net — 2016". Darya Leontyeva, Chair of OSU Student Council presented this special award.

By the way the poll in OSU group (social network "VKontakte") was conducted for the first time. More than 6 000 people — not only citizens of Orenburg region, but other regions and CIS countries participated. Furthermore departments’ heads congratulated the students on Defender’s Day and presented them some gifts.

Then jury called winners in each nomination: "The most mysterious" — Egor Losev, "The most ingenious" — Aleksandr Kubagushev, "The most cheerful" — Andrey Chekanin, "The most artistic" — Yuriy Shennikov, "The most stylish" — Andrey Skopintsev, "The most charming" — Aleksandr Kuvaykin, "The most creative" — Ilya Menzelintsev, "The most romantic" — Andrey Doronin.

Announcement of "Mister OSU Student — 2016" was the superlative of this evening. Yuriy Shennikov from Faculty of Applied Biotechnology and Engineering became the winner. Mister OSU Student — 2015 (Ivan Gromozdin) awarded Yuriy with a challenge prize — statuette of "Mister OSU Student". Andrey Skopintsev, student of Faculty for Electrical Power Engineering, was awarded with the title of Vice-Mister Student by judges.

'Mister OSU student — 2016'
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
Andrey Skopintsev
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
Andrey Doronin
Egor Losev
Ilya Menzelintsev
Aleksandr Kubagushev
Aleksandr Kuvaykin
Andrey Chekanin
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
Yuriy Shennikov and Sergey Semenov, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Affairs
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
'Mister OSU student — 2016'
'Mister OSU student — 2016'

вед. программист РиСС

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