Days of Japan at Orenburg State University

Photo gallery - 2021 March

Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival (11 March 2021)

Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival
Opening ceremony of the Japanese cinema festival

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Origami master class (11 March 2021)

Origami master class
Origami master class
Origami master class
Origami master class
Origami master class

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Calligraphy master class (11 March 2021)

Calligraphy master class
Calligraphy master class
Calligraphy master class
Calligraphy master class

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