Training programmes

Here you can decide where to go after grade 11 and what specialty to choose.
04.00.00 Chemistry
04.05.01 Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
06.00.00 Biological Sciences
06.05.01 Biolengineering and Bioinformatics
10.00.00 Information Security
10.05.01 Computer Security
17.00.00 Weapons and weapon systems
17.05.01 Ammunition and Fuses
21.00.00 Applied Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas Engineering, Geodesy
21.05.02 Applied Geology
23.00.00 Land Transport Engineering and Technology
23.05.01 Land Transportation Machines and Equipment
27.00.00 Management in Technical Systems
27.05.01 Special Organizational and Technical Systems
37.00.00 Psychological Sciences
37.05.02 Operational Psychology
38.00.00 Economics and Management
38.05.01 Economic Security
38.05.02 Customs
40.00.00 Law
40.05.02 Law Enforcement Activity
40.05.04 Judicial and Prosecutorial Activities

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Orenburg 460018



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