Directorate-General for Education and Culture

About project

The present stage of Russian society development is characterized by the transition towards innovative models of educational systems and improvement of the quality of education. A process of integration Russia with the world information area determines main directions of national Higher Education System development. In the concept of modernization the Russian Education system approved by the Ministry of Education priority directions were defined for the further development of higher education to be realized by 2010.

One of these priorities is perfection of Education Quality Control and Management System. Education authorities declare: "It is necessary to form National Education Quality Assurance System to guarantee every citizen the right to quality education". At the present stage of Russian Education System governmental regulation is less strict as earlier. Universities start to compete with each other in terms of reputation and student recruitment. Every university aspires to graduate the most qualified specialists. Therefore the implementation/ improvement of Quality Assurance Systems become a very important part of governmental regulation mechanism sand also a very effective tool of up-grading education quality for every university.

We can determine main principles of an effective QA System:

  • meeting the demands from employers and entreprise;
  • taking into account the needs of students and institutions;
  • comparability with international prototypes;
  • observing mental and ethical norms.

Developing the Russian Quality Assurance system will facilitate and help to achieve the following goals:

  • keeping the common National education zone;
  • increasing the level of awareness of educational service consumers;
  • development of governmental certification/accreditation Service;
  • expand administrative decisions on education quality.


Russia, 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy avenue, 13, Orenburg State University